A brief note about current schooling

Frequently our long term interests clash with our immediate comfort. Some research shows that the ability of a person to delay comfort in order to get a better deal later is an indicator of future success.

It is normal to dislike the current strict system of schooling; I for example hated having to move from one class to another upon hearing the sound of a bell. I consoled myself however by comparing this suffering to having to take a bitter pill of pain killer, or having to undergo a surgical operation in order to recover from some ailment. I am for introducing changes to the current outdated world educational system, for example, by reducing the contents of the required curriculum to a bare minimum that only includes literacy (in more than one language), numeracy skills, and coding (information technology); while leaving ALL the rest to be approached through exploration that depends on a child's interests.
Currently ministries of education in many parts of the world impose their curricula and the number of hours and days that children should spend at school; so schools do not really have an option.


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