A Story and A Lesson To Parents and Schools

A Story and A Lesson
To Parents and Schools
The recent incidents at Morimonte School of Los Angeles Unified School District, CA USA

The Story

On the sixth of February 2012 CNN reported that at Morimonte Elementary School - LA, two teachers were arrested last week for lewd acts involving pupils.  One of them, Berndt, had been investigated as early as 1994 for child sexual abuse. The Huff Post internet newspaper on Feb 7th 2012, included an associated press released video clip there were claims against Berndt as long ago as 1984A recent investigation with him began more than a year ago but he was not removed from class work till January 2011.  Police sources said that some of the kids who were abused this time were not his students, for “during the lunch breaks or recess, he’d go out to the playground and entice them back to the classroom”.  Police recommended the children be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

School District Superintendent John Deasy said: The entire staff of that school will be replaced . . . everyone who are not being fired are being removed because school administrators do not want any more surprises”!
Deasy said that he was struggling to determine how the alleged behavior went undetected for so longA source mentioned that “Repeatedly, the district failed to follow up on sexual misconduct complaints against employees once police or prosecutors dropped criminal actions. Some ended up at new schools”

The Miramonte Elementary School Weekly Bulletin of January 30, 2012 – February 3, 2012 included the Vision of the school as: “The Miramonte Elementary School learning community will work collaboratively with all stakeholders, focusing on pedagogy that is culturally relevant and responsive to the needs of all learners, while providing a safe and nurturing learning environment that teaches values, responsibility, and respect for our school and community”

The school website mentions that “The faculty also includes a part time psychologist, an early behavior intervention counselor, a full time pupil services and attendance counselor” and that “Parents and community members have many opportunities to be involved and participate in the decision making process through regularly scheduled School Site Council”.  A 45 page up to date parent student handbook does not seem to miss any policy a school may need.

The Lessons

Lesson 1: [Never trust blindly]
Teachers, and other adults, are seen by children as a reliable authority that they do not usually question.  But teachers and school administrators are humans and should not ever be seen as faultless characters; like the rest of us they may have their own problems and weaknesses.  When we appoint a teacher, we do so because [we trust that they can do a good job, but not that they will be flawless].  This is a very strong argument that any parent or principal should use if challenged by someone who demands 100% trust.

Lesson 2: [Be competent! do not be taken by surprise]
The school district not wanting “any more surprises” seems to be a pathetic management! What is their role? Where have they been? You entrust to them your children and they are surprised that the children have not been taken care of! Worse is that the superintendent cannot understand that they are wrong if they claim that they were surprised.
Lesson 3: [Do not overestimate the power of a good system]
Miramonte is a part of the LA School District.  Its website is very neat and its 45 page up-to-date parent student handbook does not seem to miss any policy a school may need.  This is all insufficient; because [a good system, not implemented properly poses more danger than the lack of a system].
Lesson 4: [Employing specialists does not imply that the job will get done]
“The faculty also includes a part time psychologist, an early behavior intervention counselor, a full time pupil services and attendance counselor”. What is important is that these ladies and gentlemen have the right spirit and are actually held accountable.
Lesson 5: [Policies do not make up for a good culture]
Miramonte has all the policies it needs, child protection included.  Staff are trained; staff are entrusted to do the job; staff are qualified. So where is the flaw? [Schools must develop the right culture not the right policies.]
Nassim Taleb developed the Black Swan theory that classifies an event as a black swan if it surprises the observer and has major impact on them and after it happens observers start to rationalise. Well the incident above is not a black swan and the way it is being dealt with will continue to allow for more catastrophes in schools until people learn the lessons above and care to implement them.
Saad B. Abou Chakra


  1. Lesson 5: Don't be reticent to hold an authority's or school's leaders to regular accountability checks. If the system doesn't provide for these then parents need to be strong and persistent in any issues they want fully investigated.


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