
Using Transmedia in Education

Abstract The positive effects of student engagement and motivation on student learning, have been supported by a great deal of academic research (Carini, R. M., Kuh, G. D., & Klein, S. P. , 2006, Zhao, C.-M., & Kuh, G. D. , 2004, Christenson, S. L., Reschly, A. L., & Wylie, C. , 2012, and, Leah Taylor & Jim Parsons, 2016). Knowing that transmedia has been successful in creating engaging environments, some educators have been developing transmedia projects to improve student engagement and motivation in order to enhance learning (Weinreich N. K. , 2006 and Roth, C., Vorderer, P., & Klimmt, C. , 2009, Raybourn, E. M. , 2014). This paper describes how transmedia learning is viewed by different researchers, analyses the ways it is being practiced by educators, and discusses its strengths and its drawbacks. This paper also explains how a transmedia learning campaign can be developed. The study targets educators who we believe need to learn about transmedia learning

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation Bias In an article where he quotes the psychologist Peter Cathcart Wason, the writer David Leonhard of the New York Times wrote about the  Confirmation Bias  phenomenon which asserts that  we are biased to seek what agrees with our beliefs and that we do not want to find out that we are wrong . I strongly recommend this article for all educators, parents and students as it highlights a very important cognitive phenomenon. You can access the article through the link . The article describes a test that Wason performed which illustrates the Confirmation Bias phenomenon. I suggest that you access the link and take the test  before  you read Leonhard's article or the commentary below.

A Story and A Lesson To Parents and Schools

A Story and A Lesson To Parents and Schools The recent incidents at Morimonte School of Los Angeles Unified School District, CA USA The Story On the sixth of February 2012 CNN reported that at Morimonte Elementary School - LA, two teachers were arrested last week for lewd acts involving pupils.   One of them, Berndt, had been investigated as early as 1994 for child sexual abuse . The Huff Post internet newspaper on Feb 7 th 2012, included an associated press released video clip there were claims against Berndt as long ago as 1984 .  A recent investigation with him began more than a year ago but he was not removed from class work till January 2011 .  Police sources said that some of the kids who were abused this time were not his students, for “during the lunch breaks or recess, he’d go out to the playground and entice them back to the classroom”.  Police recommended the children be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

Calculation of averages

Calculation of Averages Every term, students are tested a number of times on every subject and the different test results are used to calculate averages for the different subjects.  These averages reflect student performance in the different subjects, higher averages indicating better performance. Most schools use simple arithmetic averaging methods, such that a student who gets in a certain subject a 40% on one test, a 60% on the second, and an 80% on the third, gets an average of  (40%+60%+80%)/3 = 180%/3 = 60%. Another student whose average for the same subject over the same interval is 70%, for example, is considered to have done better than the previously mentioned student.

When promptness could save you from a disaster

The 30 seconds that could have saved the Titanic Course should have been altered instantly By Jasper Copping Published: 00:00 December 5, 2011 59 Image Credit: Supplied Titanic ship London: It was a half minute that might have saved the world's largest passenger liner and nearly 1,500 lives. When the officer in charge of the ‘Titanic' was warned that an iceberg had been spotted in its path, he waited 30 seconds before changing course, a study has concluded. Had William Murdoch taken action immediately, the liner and 1,496 lives might well have been saved. The finding comes from a study for the centenary of the disaster next year. Investigators reappraised the 1912 Wreck Commission inquiry in light of research and evidence that has emerged since. The conclusion overturns the original verdict, which found that Murdoch, the first officer, steered away immediately but could not avert catastrophe because the iceberg had been spotted too late. Resea

A summary of educational theories (Merriam and Caffarella 1991: 138)

Aspect/School Behaviourist Cognitivist Humanist Social and situational Theorists Thorndike, Pavlov, Watson, Guthrie, Hull, Tolman, Skinner Koffka, Kohler, Lewin , Piaget, Ausubel,   Bruner , Gagne Maslow,   Rogers Bandura,   Lave and Wenger , Salomon View of the learning process Change in behaviour Internal mental process (including insight, information processing, memory, perception A personal act to fulfill potential . Interaction /observation in social contexts. Movement from the periphery to the centre of a community of practice Locus of learning Stimuli in external environment Internal cognitive structuring Affective and cognitive needs Learning is in relationship between people and environment. Purpose in education Produce behavioural change in desired direction Develop capacity and skills to learn better Become self-a